Friday, November 19, 2010

Sony Lunches Online Casting Website

You're a fan of huge Hollywood films put out by Sony and you want to be in one?  Well looks like Sony is giving you the opportunity.  They've created their own online casting website for their films.

Face of the Fan is the way Sony is going to be casting many of their upcoming films.  They've started out with a big one, the next film in the "Underworld" series.   The first casting is for a  female 18 or older to play a Teenager.

"The Face of the Fan program enables us to source people from all over the country to find unknown talent and give them a shot at something they may not have otherwise been able to do," said Screen Gems president Clint Culpepper in a written statement. 

I don't know if they are struggling to get the numbers they believe films need or if they are trying to give struggling actors a chance, either way, it's interesting for a studio to do this.  I just feel horrible for the poor intern that's going to get stuck sifting through the castings coming in for these films.

I'm sure Sony will be more successful at this then many of the past companies who have tried this.   But as far as I know, there has not been a studio who has tried to cast this way.

 Have you heard of anything like this before?  Let me know?


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