Sunday, March 24, 2013

Tilda Swinton Sleeps in a Glass Box at MoMA

Actress Tilda Swinton, best known for her Oscar winning role in Michael Clayton (2008) or my favorite, her role as Gabriel in Constantine, has now taken to performance art of some kind.

 In New York City, at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), people may randomly stumble upon Swinton sleeping in a glass box in the middle of a room. (check out the photos below), The Huffington Post reports.

 She has been performing her art in cities across the world since 1995.  Though you can not find a listing for it anywhere.  There are no scheduled times and No information about the art, other than what is written on the outside of the box as an explanation for the work.

 Basically, Tilda strolls into MoMA whenever she wants, gets in her box and sleeps.  That's it.

 Maybe she just has a hard time sleeping alone?



Via Gallerinaoffduty's Instagram